Floors must be clean, sound, dry and fully cured and surface laitance removed, preferably by shot blasting or mechanical abrasion.
New Concrete Floors: New concrete must be clean, sound, dry and fully cured and surface laitance removed preferably by vacuum enclosed shot blasting or mechanical grinding, a minimum strength of 25N/mm2 is required.
Where the Relative Humidity of a concrete exceeds 75% RS Dampshield F should be specified and selected on the basis of hygrometer readings in accordance with BS 8203. The number of coats to be applied is chosen in accordance with the following table:
Existing Concrete Floors
Remove all dirt, oil, grease or other surface contaminants by enclosed shot blasting, scarification or mechanical grinding. Fats, oils or greases must be removed by mechanical means and detergent washing. Local repairs should be carried out using Resupatch or Resuscreed 45.
Existing Floors ( previously coated )
Where over-coating other systems such as epoxy coatings or screeds, as part of a specified composite system, these should be tack free, but not fully cured. If fully cured then mechanical preparation is required.
Where Elladur™ LM is applied to masonry/concrete surfaces, care must be taken to ensure that surface preparation is thorough but does not disfigure the surface. Where surfaces are found to be porous a primer coat such as Elladur™ SF Colour should be used to achieve a uniform sealed surface